Finally got a goal for myself in regards to animation!
I had an online meeting with a woman from a recruitment firm for VFX artists (Not sure how to go about saying names, so I'm keeping it vague). She was incredibly nice and she was incredibly friendly through out the whole thing. I was very nervous about the meeting, but it was very relaxed, and I calmed down pretty quick. We had a talk about who she is, what the firm does, and who I am and what I do. She did say that as it stands, my folio wouldn't be enough for the client since a requirement is someone who can animate quadrupeds. However, she did make it clear that if I added some quadruped animation to my folio, she could send it over to them. I did plan on animating a cow, but after a little bit searching, I found that a lot of good cow rigs are fairly expensive, and I don't have that kind of cash. I settled on a stylised horse. It's not realistic, but it should be good enough that it can show my abilities.
And so, that's my goal for the week! It doesn't have to be completely perfect (she also made note that they have a grad in house, so it's fine not being perfect.
I also told her about my enrollment in my postgrad class. She told me that it's a good class to upgrade your skills, and that more than half of the students get hired when it's finished. This is giving me a lot of reassurance for before I do the class. I did have a friend who did a postgrad by the same people, but I was a bit scared of it not leading to anything afterwards. But after hearing good things about it from two people, I'm very confident that I'll get something out of it.
That's more or less it for this week. Considering that I've given myself a deadline until the end of the week to get the quadruped animation done, there should be something to show by the next blog post!
Thank you and good-bye for today!